About Us
Moin Sazeh Negar Company, with more than 19 years of experience, was first established to implement agricultural water supply. Over the years, it started its activity to review petrochemical and P&ID plans, mechanical, structural, piping, electrical, etc., and then with valuable experience in designing, managing the construction and typing of transmission towers, including lattice and Telescopic, telecommunication bases, lighting bases, city camera security and meteorological bases, lattice and telescopic wind turbine bases with the best software and equipment of the day in the world in the form of CNC with cutting technology continued and now after 19 Sal is proud to have more than 3% of high pressure line towers in the CEO's resume. Cooperate abroad.
What we are proud to offer you as a service:
1- Design, manufacture, type test, prototyping, reconstruction, updating, all power transmission and telecommunication masts with the approval of the consultant
- Assistance in participating in tenders for metal structures, power transmission towers, lighting, camera mounts
3- Helping to complete the archive of companies' power transmission towers to update information.
4- Setting up a traditional and automatic galvanized pit for all types of structures. 5- Teaching design and reading of all power transmission, metal structure, Iranian and international petrochemical plans.
6- Preparing and selling a comprehensive SCADA program for power transmission and production lines up to the sending stage and warranty weight calculation software
7- Preparation of the best cutting technology software to optimize the purchase
8- Helping EPC projects to choose the best mast for distribution and transmission lines
9- Designing all kinds of foundations for different types of soil: good soil-poor soil-Rock-Poor Rock-Submerge
10- Design and construction of post shed (GIS)
11- Investigating and advising on the fall of telecommunications masts and power transmission and distribution and announcing the technical reasons and consulting on the quick removal of damages.
12- Setting up zero to one hundred construction lines for power transmission towers from telescopic to lattice, containment, lighting, concrete

Part of the projects that have been done.
1- Designing the largest telescopic mast installed in the Karaj and Montazer Ghaem area
With a height of more than 57 meters and a mast diameter of 5 meters
3- Design and construction of 24, 30, 36, 54, 84, 102 meter telecommunications masts for oil, copper, Raitel and Irancell development employers.
4- Designing, manufacturing and type-testing of the first elliptical telescopic mast with 25% weight reduction in Iran
5- Designing the construction and installation of a 50-meter mast based on the equipment frequency and 160 km/h wind installed in remote areas of the country.
6- Designing more than 200 power transmission towers
7- Updating and prototyping 350 lattice and telescopic masts in Iran
8-Pedestrian bridge design
9- Cooperation with Iranian companies in international tenders, especially in Oman, including solar and telecommunication panels
10- Type test of more than 28 power transmission towers in Iran, Italy, India, Romania, Spain
11- Archiving software design for 500 power transmission towers in Iran and the world
12- Managing the construction of power transmission tower production system in 3 power transmission tower production companies
13- Preparation of SCADA software from zero to 100 control and information input to construction
Sending different rigs
14- Design and construction of all kinds of mesh sheds and sheet beams
15- Construction of GIS post shed
16- Reconstruction of damaged and stolen rigs in Izan as soon as possible.
17- Preparing blueprints of old structures without blueprints and strengthening the structure and foundation
18- Training from zero to one hundred design, construction and installation of any type of telecommunication and lighting mast and base
19- Update of Razi Petrochemical maps that are more than 35 years old
20- Update the new Mahshahr city map
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